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Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is storing your data and program in the internet and accessing it instead of storing it in the hard drive. The main advantage of cloud computing is that it removes the cost of owning, handling and maintaining the valuable information in of an IT organization.

Examples of cloud storages are Google Drive, Apple iCloud, Google Dropbox and Slack.

Public clouds

Public clouds are those clouds which have a massive amount of available space some of those include those offered by Amazon, Google and Microsoft.

Public Clouds are used for software development and collaborative project these are managed by third party provider and shared to multiple organization through the public internet. Most of the companies design their applications to be portable, so that a project that they could be tested in the public cloud and then can be moved to the private cloud for production. They follow pay as you go structure that allows customers to upgrade to more capacity on requirement.

Private Cloud

Private clouds are within the user's firewall which are utilized by aa single organization. Most of the private clouds are ran on premises but now there are clouds rented, vendor owned data Centre which is located of premises. Private clouds are the best solution for IT companies who do not want to use public cloud. Clouds require operating systems like Linux. The company that builds the cloud are responsible for both cloud and the infrastructure.

Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid Cloud is the combination of public cloud and private cloud. They are designed to permit two platform work seamlessly without causing any trouble and for the applications to work smoothly without causing any trouble. It requires lesser space on premises than the private cloud. Hybrid cloud is most useful in health care and medical sectors as they require a secure and private server to keep the patient’s details. A hybrid cloud adapts to needs of the work. As the technology keeps changing drastically, an application might run smoothly today but might crash or update its requirements tomorrow in these cases Hybrid cloud is useful.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

1. No huge costs of hardware in cloud computing you have to pay as per your subscription plan. It also reduces the cost of ownership as your cloud owner is responsible for updating and maintaining the information in the cloud.

2. It is easy to backup and restore data once it is s stored in the cloud. The far of loss of information is also gone.

3. Useful for collaborative projects as it makes multiple groups if people to vie and work on the project which can be easily shared via cloud storage.

4. Cloud computing great security for our valuable information if it is lost or stolen. Data can also be easily recovered.

5. Cloud makes the to manage information which can be easy to accesses and manage.

We at AAATechs will help you with your Cloud Computing with the help of our professional and skilled staff, which will be less hustle and cost effective. We will always be there for guiding and counseling you. We will provide the best service in the city of Hyderabad.
